Text Only

On this page we will put the text content of our site without the pictures. As the site is still under construction, more information will be added here. If  you have any difficulty accessing any information or any part of our website then please contact us and we will do our best to help.


Mortimer Hall Pre-School provides high quality care and education for children below statutory school age. We place a strong emphasis on providing a wealth of interesting activities and offer large indoor and outdoor spaces for children to further their learning.  We work in partnership with parents and the local primary school to help us produce good outcomes for children.

We operate a key person system and place high importance on building the relationship between each child and their key person We have been praised by Ofsted for the “very warm attachments between children and staff”.

We add to the life and well-being of the local community and offer children and their parents a service that promotes equality and values diversity.

If you would like to find out more or would like to arrange a visit then please either email us at  admin@mortimerhallpreschool.com or you can call us on 01865-604208 or on 07818-236348.


  • Fees are £14 for a three hour session payable termly in advance.


  • 15 hours nursery education funding for three and four year old
  • 30 hours funding for qualifying families
  • Two year funding for eligible two year olds.
  • If you are not eligible for funding with us,  fees will apply.
  • Universal nursery education funding is available to children the term after their third birthday and offers  five sessions (15 hours) for 38 weeks a year. Children can use the nursery education funding at more than one pre-school or nursery. If attending an LEA (Local Education Authority) Foundation Stage the funding for all five sessions must be used at that setting.
  • We  accept employers childcare vouchers.

Universal Credit 

Have you considered Salary Sacrifice?

  • Mortimer Hall Pre-School is already registered with a number of the more common schemes. Please speak to the treasurer, Janet or Caroline for more details and maybe check with your employer. You can find out more at the Government’s website: Salary sacrifice for employers – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Our Philosophy

Mortimer Hall Pre-School is a community-based voluntary managed pre-school in Marston.

We provide high quality care and education in a safe, happy and diverse environment for children under statutory school age.

Our purpose-built hall is packed full of learning equipment, activities, educational toys and a lovely story corner. We place a strong emphasis on providing a wealth of interesting activities and offer large indoor and outdoor spaces for children to further their learning.

We encourage children to develop social skills and many excellent friendships are formed even at this very young age.

We work in partnership with parents and the local primary school to help us produce good outcomes for children.

Your child’s key person will maintain a record of his or her development and make decisions about how best to take them through the various stages of learning.We operate a key person system and place high importance on building the relationship between each child and their key person We have been praised by Ofsted for the “very warm attachments between children and staff”. your key person will maintain a record of your child’s development and make decisions about how best to take them through the various stages of learning. You can meet our wonderful staff by clicking here:

Meet the Staff

​We add to the life and well-being of the local community and offer children and their parents a service that promotes equality and values diversity.

Healthy Eating
Mortimer Hall Pre-School encourages healthy eating by providing snacks throughout the morning session. We have lunch together and it is a lovely time to interact and enjoy a meal together.

Parents are regarded as members of our setting who have full participatory rights.

These include a right to be:

valued and respected

    • kept informed
    • consulted
    • involved and
    • included at all levels

*As a community based, voluntary managed pre-school, we also depend on the good will of parents and their involvement to keep going. Membership of the setting carries expectations on parents for their support and commitment.

Our Staff

Janet is manager at preschool, she has been working at preschool since 1988 and has a level 3 qualification on childcare. She is responsible for supervising all of the staff, overseeing the key person system and ensuring that the planned curriculum meets the needs of individual children.  Janet is also responsible for safeguarding, behaviour and equal opportunities.

Janet has 3 children and 6 grandchildren.

 Caroline is deputy manager at preschool, she has been working at preschool since 1990 and has a level 3 qualification in childcare.  Caroline works as a part of our key person system.  Caroline is the preschool SENCO and has responsibility for ensuring that if any child has additional needs, we work to give them the support they need.

Caroline has 3 children and 5 grandchildren.


Pauline is a joint preschool supervisor; she has been working at preschool since 2002 and has a level 3 qualification in childcare.  Pauline is one of our tapestry coordinators (our observation/ record keeping programme). She works as part of our key person system.  Pauline is our art and crafts expert and is usually responsible for making the displays in the setting.

Pauline has 1 son.


Holly is joint preschool supervisor; she has been working at preschool since 2017, she has a level 3 qualification in childcare and is working towards level 5.  Holly is also preschool bookkeeper.  Holly is one of our tapestry coordinators and works as part of our key person system, she has a special interest in speech and language development.

Holly has 6 children.


Colene is joint preschool supervisor; she has been working at preschool since 2015, she has a level 3 childcare qualification and is working towards a level 5.  Colene works as part of our key person system and is one of our tapestry coordinators. She has a special interest in social and emotional development.

Colene has 1 son.


Natasha is a preschool assistant; she has been working at preschool since 2012. She has a level 1 childcare qualification and at the present time us working towards a level 2.  Natasha works as part of our key person system.  She has a special interest in healthy eating, fitness and physical development.

Natasha has 3 children


Paula is a preschool assistant; she has been working at preschool since 2017.  She has a level 2 qualification in childcare and works as part of our key person system. Paula has a special interest in healthy eating and in dental health.

Paula has 2 sons


Alison is the preschool administrator.   She has a level 3 Business and Administrative qualification.  She started working for preschool in 2014.

Alison has 2 children.


Every member of staff has:

  • An enhanced DBS (Disclosure And Barring Service Check)
  • Safeguarding/lead safeguarding
  • Paediatric first aid training
  • Food hygiene


We all take part in short courses and use in house training/discussion to ensure that we all keep up to date



Late Collection

The charge for late collection of children is £10 per 15 minutes or any part of 15 minutes. Therefore a child collected 20 minutes after the end of a session the charge will be £20.

This applies to parents and carers of children who are regularly collected late.

This is at the end of the morning and afternoon sessions. The afternoon session are full therefore a member of staff may have to stay beyond their contracted working hours to ensure the staffing child ratios remain correct.

The pre-school prospectus states:

To avoid upsetting your child, please return promptly at the end of the session. If for any reason you are delayed then please phone the pre-school as soon as possible. An additional charge will be made if late collection becomes a regular occurrence.

The Uncollected Child Policy states:   

If a child is not collected at the end of the session we follow the procedures below:

  • The child’s file is checked for any information about changes to the normal collection routines.
  • If no information is available, parents/carers are contacted at home or at work.
  • If this is unsuccessful, the adults who are authorised by the parents to collect their child from the setting – and whose telephone numbers are recorded on the Registration Form – are contacted.
  • All reasonable attempts are made to contact the parents or nominated carers.
  • The child does not leave the premises with anyone other than those named on the Registration Form or in their file.
  •  If no-one collects the child after the setting has closed and there is no-one who can be contacted to collect the child, we apply the procedures for uncollected children.
  • We contact our local authority children’s social care team.
  • The child stays at the setting in the care of two fully-vetted workers until the child is safely collected either by the parents or by a social care worker.
  • Social care will aim to find the parent or relative. If they are unable to do so, the child will become looked after by the local authority.
  • Under no circumstances will staff go to look for the parent, nor do they take the child home with them. A full written report of the incident is recorded in the child’s file.
  • Depending on circumstances, we reserve the right to charge parents for the additional hours worked by our staff.
  • Ofsted may be informed: Tel 03001231231



Our setting will work with children, parents and the community to ensure the rights and safety of children and to give them the very best start in life. Our Safeguarding Policy is based on the three key commitments of the Pre-school Learning Alliance Safeguarding Children Policy.

Our designated person (a member of staff) who co-ordinates child protection issues is: Janet Crane (Supervisor) and in her absences Caroline Hudson (Deputy Supervisor).

Our designated officer (a member of the management team) who oversees this work is: Stephanie Best.

You can download the full safeguarding policy document here which lists all the key persons as well and has links to further information and contacts should you have any concerns.

You can also view all of our policies on our policies page.

What to Bring

Our setting will work with children, parents and the community to ensure the rights and safety of children and to give them the very best start in life. Our Safeguarding Policy is based on the three key commitments of the Pre-school Learning Alliance Safeguarding Children Policy.

Our designated person (a member of staff) who co-ordinates child protection issues is: Janet Crane (Supervisor) and in her absences Caroline Hudson (Deputy Supervisor).

Our designated officer (a member of the management team) who oversees this work is: Stephanie Best.

You can download the full safeguarding policy document here which lists all the key persons as well and has links to further information and contacts should you have any concerns.

You can also view all of our policies on our policies page.

Archive Documents

We have a few documents from the archives. We will add to this list over time but here are a few for now. If you would like to view more then please contact us at the email or phone numbers below.


Enrolment Forms

If you are interested in sending your child to our pre-school then please complete the waiting list form (click on the link below). If offered a place then please complete the enrolment form (click on the link below). Completed forms can either be emailed to admin@mortimerhallpreschool.com or poster to Mortimer Hall.



The preschool is regularly inspected by Ofsted to ensure that we are maintaining the required standards. You can find out more about Ofsted at their website here: Ofsted – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).


Food Safety

Please always slice grapes before giving them to young children. This warning also applies to other fruit and vegetables: for example grapes should be cut in half or quarter lengthways, carrots should be cut into sticks and cherry tomatoes should be cut into quarters.

If you pack foods for lunch that are considered a choking hazard then we will not allow your child to eat them. They will be sent back home untouched. Please keep this in mind when preparing lunch for your child.

Oral Health

The new Early Years curriculum, (introduced in September 2021) includes the importance of promoting good oral health of children. A child’s first experiences with oral health can impact on the rest of their life. That’s why it’s so important to teach them about their mouth and introduce them to good habits as soon as possible. It is equally vital to continue to ‘normalise’ dental visits and put them at ease with the role of a dentist as a person they can trust.


Good oral health habits include:-

  • regular visits to the dentist
  • understanding oral health and how to look after your teeth
  • reducing the frequency of sugary food and drinks given to the children

You can find more information here:

Potty Training

We have lots of children potty training this term. Don’t forget we can help with this. Please speak to your key person if your child is toilet training to work out the best way that we can support you both.  Our local health visitor has given us lots of useful information and you can find this by visiting https://www.eric.org.uk/Pages/Category/potty-training or by asking a member of staff for a leaflet.


Contact Us

Mortimer Hall Preschool

Mortimer Hall

Oxford Road



Email: administrator

Tel: 01865 604 208

Mobile: 07818 236 348

Opening Times

All Day: 09:00 to 15:00

Mornings: 0900 to 12:00

Afternoons: 12:00 to 15:00

Term Times

Term six: 3rd June 2024 to 22nd July 2024

Term one: 9th September 2024 to 25th October 2024

About Us

Registered Charity: 1161534

A safe and friendly preschool in the heart of the community of Old Marston in Oxford. Please contact us to find out more.