Oral Health

The new Early Years curriculum, (introduced in September 2021) includes the importance of promoting good oral health of children. A child’s first experiences with oral health can impact on the rest of their life. That’s why it’s so important to teach them about their mouth and introduce them to good habits as soon as possible. It is equally vital to continue to ‘normalise’ dental visits and put them at ease with the role of a dentist as a person they can trust.

Good oral health habits include:-

  • regular visits to the dentist
  • understanding oral health and how to look after your teeth
  • reducing the frequency of sugary food and drinks given to the children

You can find more information here:


Contact Us

Mortimer Hall Preschool

Mortimer Hall

Oxford Road



Email: administrator

Tel: 01865 604 208

Mobile: 07818 236 348

Opening Times

All Day: 09:00 to 15:00

Mornings: 0900 to 12:00

Afternoons: 12:00 to 15:00

Term Times

Term six: 3rd June 2024 to 22nd July 2024

Term one: 9th September 2024 to 25th October 2024

About Us

Registered Charity: 1161534

A safe and friendly preschool in the heart of the community of Old Marston in Oxford. Please contact us to find out more.